Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Manual Shaft

1. Check manual valve rod, retainer and detent lever for damage.

2. Check manual shaft and retainer for damaged threads and the flats for raised edges. File down any raised edges.

3. Check parking lock actuator rod for damage or broken retainer lugs. Check parking lock actuator spring for damage.

4. Install parking lock actuator rod into manual shaft lever. The manual shaft and detent lever assembly are made as a matched set. Replace as a matched set

5. Install manual shaft and parking lock actuator rod into case and push through driven sprocket support. Install manual valve rod into manual detent lever.

6. Install detent lever onto manual shaft with hub side away from driven sprocket support, see image. Push manual lever into place.

7. Install detent lever and hub assembly to manual shaft retaining pin, see image.

8. Install manual shaft to case nail.