Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Removal and Replacement

1. Disconnect battery ground cable from transaxle.

2. Insert a 1/4 x 2 inch bolt into hole in right front motor mount to prevent mislocation of mount during transaxle removal.

3. Remove air cleaner, then disconnect T.V. cable from throttle lever.

4. Remove T.V. cable retaining bolt from transaxle, pull up cable cover and disconnect cable from transaxle rod.

5. Remove engine wire harness retaining bolt, disconnect air management hose, then position harness aside.

6. Raise and support engine with a suitable lifting device so that weight is taken off motor mounts.

7. Remove top transaxle mount and bracket assembly, then disconnect shift control linkage from transaxle.

8. Remove top engine to transaxle attaching bolts and loosen, but do not remove, the bolt nearest the starter.

9. Raise and support vehicle, unlock steering column and remove both front wheel/tire assemblies.

10. Remove cotter pin and ball joint retaining nut, then separate ball joint from control arm. Repeat procedure for other side.

11. Remove stabilizer bar to left lower control arm attaching bolt.

12. Remove the six left front suspension support to body attaching bolts, then position axle shaft removal tools J28468 and J-23907 behind axle shaft cones and pull cones away from transaxle.

13. Remove axle shafts and plug transaxle bores to prevent fluid leakage.

14. Remove transaxle control cable bracket retaining nut, then the transaxle to engine attaching stud.

15. Disconnect speedometer cable and transaxle mounting strut.

16. Remove the four torque converter shield to transaxle attaching bolts, then the shield.

17. Remove the torque converter to flex plate retaining bolts, then disconnect and plug the transaxle cooler lines.

18. Remove starter.

19. Remove brake and fuel line brackets from left side of underbody and position aside.

20. Remove the last engine to transaxle attaching bolt, separate transaxle from engine by sliding away from engine an remove transaxle from vehicle.

21. Reverse procedure to install, making sure:

a. Axle shafts are installed after transaxle is in place.

b. To follow the tightening sequence shown in image when installing the front suspension support assembly.

c. To readjust throttle valve (T.V.) cable.

d. To check front suspension alignment