Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Oil Pan: Service and Repair

V6-231 & 252
Exc. 1982-85 Riviera
1. Raise and support front of vehicle.
2. Remove flywheel cover and exhaust crossover pipe. Remove engine mount retaining bolts, then raise engine with a suitable lifting device to gain clearance.
3. Drain engine oil into a suitable container.
4. Remove oil pan bolts, then pan.
5. Reverse procedure to install. Some engines use R.T.V. silicone sealer instead of a gasket for oil pan to crankcase sealing. When replacing the oil pan, either R.T.V. sealer or a gasket can be used during reassembly. If R.T.V. sealer is used, the pan rail and block sealing surfaces should be cleaned thoroughly and a 1/4 inch bead of sealant applied evenly to the pan rail, avoiding any breaks or gaps in the sealer during application.