Parts Information
Parts are to be obtained from GMWDD using the following part numbers:
Description Part No.
Kit, Catalytic Converter with Upper Beads 25056983
(includes fill hole plug)
*Package, Lower Bed Bead 25056903
(As needed to fill converter)
Clamp, Converter Front Exhaust 1259609
(If needed)
Bolt, Intermediate Exhaust Pipe to 11502877
Converter (Two per vehicle, if needed)
Bolt, Exhaust Hanger to Converter 11504596
(Two per vehicle, if needed)
*A lower Bed Bead Package, when used along with the beads removed from the old converter, will complete approximately ten (10) vehicles.
Additional fill hole plugs, if required, may be ordered using part number 8998202.
To ensure these parts will be obtained as soon a possible, they should be ordered from GM Parts (GMWDD) on a C.I.O. order with NO special instruction code, but order on an advise code (2).
Parts are to be retained for disposition by zone personnel.