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Camshaft: Service and Repair

1. Disconnect ground cables from batteries.
2. Drain cooling system.
3. Remove radiator upper baffle.
4. Disconnect upper radiator hose at water outlet and hose support clamp.
5. Disconnect cooler lines at radiator.
6. Remove fan shroud and radiator.
7. Remove intake manifold as outlined previously.
8. Remove engine front cover as outlined previously.
9. Remove valve covers.
10. Remove rocker arm bolts, pivots, rocker arms and pushrod. Note valve train component locations to install components in original locations.
11. If equipped with A/C, discharge refrigerant system and remove condenser.
12. On all models, remove timing chain and gears as outlined previously.
13. Position camshaft dowel pin at 3 o'clock position.
14. While holding the camshaft rearward and rocking the injection pump driven gear slide, slide the injection pump drive gear from camshaft.

Fig. 34 Fuel injection pump driven gear installation:

15. Remove injection pump adapter, snap ring, selective washer, injection pump driven gear and spring, Fig. 34.
16. Slide camshaft from front of engine.
17. Reverse procedure to install. Check injection pump driven gear endplay. If endplay is not .002-.006 inch, replace selective washer, Fig. 34. Selective washers are available from .080 to .115 inch in increments of .003 inch.