Removal and Replacement
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then remove air cleaner.2. Disconnect T.V. cable from transaxle, then raise and support vehicle and remove strut shock bracket bolts from transaxle.
3. Remove oil cooler lines from strut bracket.
4. Remove all transaxle to engine attaching bolts except the one nearest the starter. Loosen, but do not remove this bolt.
5. Disconnect speedometer cable at upper and lower couplings or at transducer if equipped with cruise control, then remove shift linkage retaining clip, washer and bracket bolts.
6. Disconnect oil cooler lines at transaxle.
7. Remove front and left sections of cradle as follows:
a. Install engine support fixture J28467 or equivalent and tighten fasteners when properly positioned.
b. Position support hook into lifting bracket and tighten coupling nut only enough to remove slack from hook Engine support fixture must be located in center of cowl for 4 cylinder engines and on strut towers for 6 cylinder engines.
WARNING: Support fixture is not designed to support entire weight of engine and transaxle. Improper use may result in vehicle damage and/or personal injury.
c. Remove intermediate shaft to steering gear stub shaft attaching bolt, then raise and support vehicle.
d. Support engine with suitable jack, then remove left front wheel/tire assembly.
e. Remove power steering line brackets and steering gear mounting bolts.
f. Disconnect drive line vibration absorber, if equipped.
g. Disconnect left lower ball joint at steering knuckle, then remove both front stabilizer bar reinforcements and bushings.
h. Using a 1/2 inch drill bit, drill through spot weld located between rear holes of left stabilizer bar mounting, see above image.
i. Disconnect engine and transaxle mounts from cradle, then remove side crossmember bolts.
j. Remove left side body mount bolts, then the left and front cradle assembly.
8. Install axle shaft boot protectors, then position axle shaft puller behind axle shaft cones and pull cones away from transaxle.
9. Remove left axle shaft and plug bore in transaxle to avoid fluid leakage.
10. Remove starter, then the converter shield.
11. Remove the three flywheel to converter attaching bolts.
12. Remove engine to transaxle bracket extension bolts, then the rear transaxle mount bracket assembly. Raise transaxle if necessary.
13. Remove the one remaining engine to transaxle bolt located near the starter.
14. Slide transaxle towards drivers side and remove from vehicle.
15. Reverse procedure to install. Note the following when installing transaxle:
a. Install 1/2 inch drill into drilled hole before tightening cradle bolts.
b. Slide right axle shaft into case as transaxle is being installed.
c. Check front suspension alignment after transaxle installation.
d. Check and adjust T.V. cable if necessary.