Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cleaning & Inspection

Fig. 5 Pinion seal vent hole:

1. Clean bearings and races in clean solvent. Do not use brush to clean bearings and do not dry bearings with compressed air.
2. Inspect bearings for flaking scoring or galling, then seat each bearing in race, apply hand pressure and rotate bearing.
3. Replace any bearings that are damaged, worn or that fail to operate smoothly.
4. Inspect ring gear and pinion teeth for cracks, excessive wear and scoring, and inspect pinion shaft for scoring and wear at seal contact and bearing mount surfaces.
5. If either ring gear or pinion are damaged or worn, they must be replaced as an assembly.
6. Inspect side gears and differential pinions for cracks, excessive wear and scoring, and replace as needed.
7. Inspect pinion shaft and thrust washers for wear or damage and replace as needed.
8. Inspect differential case and replace if damaged, distorted or if machined surfaces are unusually worn.
9. Inspect housing and machined bores for damage and wear. Ensure that side gear clearance in housing bores is not excessive, remove any nicks and burrs, and clean housing bores as needed. Ensure that pinion seal vent hole, Fig. 5, is free from obstructions.