Engine Removal and Installation
1. Disconnect ground cable from batteries and drain cooling system.
2. Remove air cleaner.
3. Scribe hood hinge locations and remove hood.
4. Disconnect ground wires at inner fender and the engine ground strap at right cylinder head.
5. Disconnect radiator hoses, oil cooler lines, heater hoses, vacuum hoses, power steering hoses from gear, A/C compressor with brackets and hoses attached, fuel pump hose from fuel pump and the wiring.
6. Remove hairpin clip from bellcrank, on all except 6 cylinder engine.
7. Remove throttle and throttle valve cables from intake manifold brackets and position cables aside.
8. Remove upper radiator support and the radiator on all except 6 cylinder engine.
9. Raise and support vehicle.
10. Disconnect exhaust pipes from exhaust manifold.
11. Remove torque converter cover and the three bolts securing torque converter to flywheel.
12. Remove engine mount bolts or nuts.
13. Remove three engine to transmission bolts on the right side.
14. Disconnect starter wiring and remove starter.
15. Lower vehicle.
16. Attach suitable engine lifting equipment to engine. Support transmission with a suitable jack.
17. Remove the three engine to transmission bolts on the left side.
18. Remove engine from vehicle.
19. Reverse procedure to install.
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and drain cooling system.
2. Remove radiator upper support.
3. Remove air cleaner assembly.
4. Scribe hood hinge locations and remove hood.
5. Disconnect engine ground strap.
6. Disconnect upper and lower radiator hoses from engine.
7. Disconnect transmission oil cooler lines from radiator.
8. Disconnect heater hoses from water pump and water control valve.
9. Remove radiator, fan and the shroud.
10. Disconnect power steering pump bracket from engine and position aside without disconnecting lines.
11. Disconnect A/C compressor bracket from engine and position aside without disconnecting lines.
12. Disconnect fuel lines.
13. Disconnect throttle cable, vacuum hoses and electrical connections.
14. Disconnect lefthand exhaust pipe from manifold.
15. On left side of engine, remove through bolt and bracket securing final drive to engine.
16. Raise and support vehicle.
17. Remove flywheel shield.
18. Disconnect righthand exhaust pipe from manifold.
19. Disconnect starter motor wiring and remove starter motor.
20. Remove converter to flywheel bolts. Mark location of converter on flywheel for alignment during installation.
21. Remove splash shield.
22. Remove engine front mounting attaching nuts.
23. Remove two bolts securing righthand output shaft support brackets. Using a sharp tool, scribe a mark around the washers as far as possible. Use these scribe marks to position bracket upon installation.
24. Remove lower right hand transmission to engine attaching bolts. One bolt retains the modulator line clip.
25. Use a suitable length of chain to retain final drive in vehicle.
26. Lower vehicle and attaching suitable engine lifting equipment to engine.
27. Remove the remaining transmission to engine bolts. It may be necessary to raise or lower transmission with a suitable jack to facilitate bolt removal.
28. Raise engine and remove from vehicle.
29. Reverse procedure to install.