Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Overdrive Carrier Assembly

Inspection & Disassembly

1. Inspect carrier splines and roller clutch race for damage or wear.

2. Inspect carrier housing for cracks or wear.

3. Inspect pinions for damage, rough bearings or tilt.

4. Check pinion endplay. Insert feeler gauge between pinion and carrier, see image. Pinion endplay should be .009-.024 inch.

5. Using screwdriver, remove overdrive carrier assembly snap ring.

6. Using pliers, remove overdrive carrier pinion retaining pins, see image, then the pinions, thrust washers and roller needle bearings.

7. Inspect pinion pocket thrust faces for burrs. Remove burrs, if present, using a fine stone.

8. Remove overdrive sun gear to overdrive carrier thrust-bearing assembly. Inspect thrust-bearing for pitting or roughness.


1. Install thrust-bearing into small diameter race facing downward. Retain with petroleum jelly.

2. Install the 19 needle bearings into each pinion. Thumb lock the bearings in place.

3. Position a bronze and steel thrust washer on each side of the pinions, making sure steel washer is against pinion, see image. Retain thrust washers with petroleum jelly.

4. Position pinions into carrier assembly, then insert pinion pins while rotating pinions from side.

5. Install overdrive carrier assembly snap ring.


1. Install overdrive sun gear onto overrun clutch hub with chamfered side facing upward, see image.

2. Center clutches in overrun clutch housing, then install overdrive carrier into housing. It may be necessary to turn carrier clockwise to seat it.

3. Install overrun clutch and overdrive carrier assembly into overdrive internal gear, located in fourth clutch housing, see image.

4. Install the turbine shaft thrust-bearing (black side up), thrust washer and snap ring onto turbine shaft, see image.

5. Lubricate and install the fourth clutch plates into the forth clutch housing. Install the clutch plates in the following order: 1 steel, 1 composition, 2 steel, 1 composition, then the backing plate with micro-finish facing downward.

6. Install fourth clutch housing snap ring, making sure composition plates turn freely in housing.

7. Check overdrive unit endplay as outlined under "Transmission Disassembly, Overdrive Unit & Drive Link Assembly."

8. Apply a 1/16 inch bead of sealant to sprocket-cover face, then install sprocket cover and torque attaching bolts to specifications.