DTC 32
Fig. 037 - Chart - Code 32 Baro Sensor Voltage Too Low.:
Code 32 says that the ECM has seen BARO pressure (measured in volts) too low at Term. "1" of the ECM.
The BARO sensor reacts like a MAP sensor; that is it measures highest voltage when barometric pressure is highest.
1. Checks voltage output at sensor. Voltage normally falls within middle range on table.
2. Checks for change in voltage at sensor with reduced barometric pressure (applied vacuum).
Normal change should be between 1.2 to 2.3 volts. If change is within specifications, fault is not in sensor, but in wiring or ECM.
3. Determines if fault is in wiring to sensor or ECM connections or ECM.
4. Measures output of sensor with circuit open to ECM. This is to determine if the fault is in the circuit to ECM Term. "1" or the ECM, as would be the case if the voltage increased in this step.
5. Takes the sensor out of the circuit to check for proper 5V supply voltage from the ECM. With 5V reference voltage, sensor is faulty; if not, the circuit from the ECM, or ECM itself, is at fault.