Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Wash the vehicle with soap and water, dry it and clean the affected area with wax and grease remover.
2. Keeping the vehicle in a cool or shaded area, rinse the surface with cold water.

CAUTION: Rail dust remover (oxalic acid) is an acidic substance containing chemicals that will break down the iron particles embedded in the finish. When working with it, use the necessary safety equipment, including gloves and goggles. Follow the manufacturer's directions closely because it may require special handling and disposal.

3. Soak several terry cloth towels in a container of rail dust remover solution and, after the damaged areas have been rinsed with cold water, lay the wet towels on the damaged areas.
4. Allow the towels to remain in place for 20 minutes, keeping them moist by spraying with water and not allowing to dry on the surface of the vehicle.
5. After 20 minutes of applying the towels, remove them and rinse the area thoroughly with cold water. Inspect the affected area to ensure the dust has been removed. Use both touch (feeling for bumpy surface) and sight (magnifying glass for close inspection).
6. If upon inspection, some particles are still present, the process of applying the towels can be repeated 3 times.
7. Select a test area and hand wet sand with American ultra fine 1,500 grit to 2,000 grit sandpaper to repair damage (surface pitting from dust).
A. Use ample amounts of water.
B. Go slow to prevent removing too much clearcoat.

Notice: Use a paint gage to determine the amount clearcoat removed. If too much has been removed, additional clearcoat will have to be applied.

If rail dust has penetrated into the basecoat, the panel requires refinishing. Make sure all rail dust has been removed prior to refinishing or the rust spots will return, causing customer comebacks.

8. If the damage has been repaired, complete the repair to the entire panel.
9. Once the damage has been repaired, the final step in the repair process involves polishing the vehicle.