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Warranty - Enhanced Sublet Repair Policy

File In Section: Warranty Administration

Bulletin No.: 72-05-14

Date: January, 1998


Enhanced Sublet Repair Policy

All Past, Present, and Future Passenger Cars and Trucks

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide retail and wholesale service personnel with enhanced sublet repair policies.

Effective with repair orders dated on or after January 15, 1998, the following polices apply for repairs sublet by dealer to repair shops:

- Sublet repairs are to be submitted to General Motors at the Dealer's actual cost less any discounts or allowances that apply to the sublet invoice or made available to the Dealer on non-warranty repairs. These repairs are not to exceed the Dealer's parts and/or labor allowance as set forth in Articles 1.5.1 and 1.5.2. See article 1.2.4.c for reimbursement details when non-GM parts are used. GM Service Polices and Procedures Manual, Article 1.5.7 SUBLET REPAIRS.

- Dealers are not to solicit "higher than customary" charges from sublet repair independents.

- Dealer supplied parts used in the performance of sublet warranty repairs are eligible for the appropriate handling allowance.

- Sublet repairs must not be shown on a warranty claim as if a Dealer performed the actual repair.

- For warranty repairs on Diesel engines subject to a deductible provision, dealer is to collect the first $100.00 (deductible) from the customer.

See Article 1.5.9 for details on sublet items subject to administrative allowance. Also, refer to article 1.6 for details on required Dealer records and Article 1.4.17 for reference to paint finish standards requirements.