Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Type SG(Motor Oil, API Service SG)
CAPACITY, Refill*:
4-cyl. 2.5L 2.8 liters 3.0 quarts
Others 3.8 liters 4.0 quarts
*Capacity shown is without filter. When replacing filter, additional oil may be needed
Above 40°F (4°C) 30
Above 20°F (-7°C) 20W-20
Above 10°F (-12°C) 15W-40
Above 0°F (-18°C) 10W-30
Below 60°F (16°C) 5W-30‡
‡5W-30 may be used up to 100°F (38°C) in 4-cyl. & 2.8L V-6 engines