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Reverse Range

In this range, the overdrive roller clutch is holding and the direct and lo and reverse clutches are applied. The transmission is in Reverse (R).

When the selector lever is moved to the Reverse (R) position, the manual valve is moved, allowing line pressure to enter the reverse passage. Reverse oil then seats the lo/reverse check ball in the lo overrun clutch passage and flows to the lo/reverse clutch position, applying the lo/reverse overrun clutch. Reverse oil also seats the 3rd/reverse check ball in the 3rd clutch passage and flows to the inner area of the direct clutch piston. Reverse oil then directs to the outer area of the direct clutch piston, resulting in both the inner and outer areas of the piston combining to apply the direct clutch.

Reverse oil acting on the reverse boost valve in the pressure regulator boosts line pressure to approximately 105 psi. M.T.V. oil from the line bias valve acting on the T.V. boost valve, which is also located in the pressure regulator, further boosts line pressure from 105 psi at idle, to 250 psi at full throttle.