Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Overdrive Unit & Drive Link Assembly

1. Rotate transmission to sprocket cover side up.

2. Remove sprocket cover attaching bolts, then the cover and sealant. Clean excess sealant from cover.

3. Check the overdrive unit endplay as follows:

a. Mount dial indicator J-8001 and clamp assembly on J-25025-7, making sure indicator pointer is positioned against end of turbine shaft, see image.

b. Set dial indicator to zero, then move turbine shaft upward by pushing up from the converter side. Overdrive unit endplay should be .004-.029 inch. This endplay is determined by a selective washer located between the turbine shaft retaining ring and the thrust bearing assembly. If more or less washer thickness is required to bring end-play within specifications, select proper washer from chart.

4. Remove fourth clutch assembly snap ring, then the fourth clutch plates.

5. Remove turbine shaft snap ring, thrust washer and thrust bearing, see image, then the overdrive unit. Overdrive carrier may have to be removed separately.

6. Remove overdrive carrier-to-drive sprocket thrust bearing assembly.

7. Remove fourth clutch housing attaching bolts and the housing, see image, then the housing-to-case cover O-ring seal.

8. Using J-4646 snap ring pliers, remove snap rings located under drive and driven sprockets, see image.

9. Remove drive and driven sprockets, drive link bearings and turbine shaft at the same time by alternately pulling on the drive and driven sprockets until the bearings are out of the sprocket housings. If sprockets are difficult to remove, place a piece of masonite or similar material between sprocket and pry bar and alternately pry under each sprocket. Do not pry on links or aluminum case.

10. Remove drive link from drive and driven sprockets.

11. Remove the turbine shaft.

12. Remove oil pump as follows:

a. Remove two opposite pump-attaching flat head screws from drive sprocket support, using tool J-25359-5.

b. Install two 5/16 x 4 inch guide pins or bolts, then remove remaining pump-attaching screws from drive sprocket support.

c. With one hand, hold underside of pump, then gently tap guide pins until pump is removed from case, see image.

13. Check input endplay as follows:

a. Install tool J-26958 on output end of transmission, see image.

b. Remove driven sprocket support to case bolt and install tool J-25025- 7, see image.

c. Instal tool J-28494, see image above step 13b, then push shaft down.

d. Mount dial indicator J-8001 and clamp assembly on J-25025-7, then position indicator point against the end of shaft, see image above step 13b.

e. Move output shaft upward by turning adjusting screw on tool J26958, see image above step 13a, until it stops. Set dial indicator to zero.

f. Raise input shaft by pushing the handle down on tool J-28494, see image above step 13b, and check input shaft endplay. Endplay should be .022-.051 inch. The selective thrust washer controlling this end play is located between the output shaft and input shaft. If endplay is not as specified previously, select washers as necessary to bring end play within specifications from chart shown in image.

g. Remove dial indicator, clamp assembly and tool J-25025-7. Do not remove tool J-26958.

14. Remove case cover as follows:

a. Remove case cover retaining bolts. Do not remove driven sprocket-support bolts at this time.

b. Remove case cover and gasket.

c. Remove thrust washer from hub of driven sprocket-support. Thrust washer may be on the direct clutch housing.

d. Remove pressure regulator screen from case cover side of case.