Clutch & Differential Housing
Refer to accompanying image, for disassembled view of clutch and differential housing assemblies and for special tool usage application.
A hydraulic press tools J-6125, J-8092, J-23907, J-35824, J-36029, J-36032, J-36037, J-36038, J-37107-1 and J-37107-2 are required to conduct the following procedure. Also, remove bearings and bushings only if there is evidence of damage or a mate part is being replaced.
1. Remove bolts (179) and retainer (178).
2. Remove race (56) using tools J-36038 and J-23907 (view A, accompanying image).
3. Remove bolts (159), washers (160), spacer (161) and plate (162).
4. Remove bolt (18) and guide (19).
5. Remove axle seal (23).
6. Remove race (76) and shim (73) using tools J-26941 and J-23907.
7. Remove seal (164).
8. On models with external clutch release only, remove bushing (163) using tool J-36037 (view B, accompanying image).
9. On models with internal clutch release only, remove bolt (214), then tap on clutch fork finger lightly to drive out upper bearing (217).
10. Remove clutch shaft (165) or (216)
11. On models with external clutch release only, remove bushing (177) using tools J-36032 and J-23907 (view C, accompanying image).
13. On models with internal clutch release only, install tool J-37107-2 into bearing. Drive tool J-37107-1 through tool J-3107-2 and bearing case. Screw tool J-37107-1 into bearing case and slide hammer out. Remove bearing (217) (view C, accompanying image).
14. Remove bearing sleeve assembly (21) using tool J-35824 and hydraulic press (view B, accompanying image).
15. Remove bushing (176) using tool J-36029 (with small end of 2nd adapter into bushing.)
16. Remove drain plug (79) and washer (80).
17. Remove breather assembly (166).
Inspect all components for excessive wear and/or damage. Replace worn and/or damaged components as required.
In addition to a hydraulic press tools J-8092, J-23423-A, J-35824, J-36029, J-36033, J-36037, J-36190, J-36720-1 and J-36720-2 are required to conduct the following procedure.
During installation of bearing sleeve assembly (21), attaching bolts (159) and (179) require a small amount of thread sealant No. 12345382 or equivalent. Torque attaching bolts to 16 ft lbs. Also, do not install differential bearing race (76) and axle seal (23) or shim (73). Installation of these components will take place after the differential bearing selective shim procedure as been completed.
1. Install drain plug (79) and a new washer (80). Torque plug to 18 ft lbs.
2. Install bushings (176) using tool J-36029 (place new bushing on 2nd adapter and retain between the 1st and 2nd tool parts and tool J-36190 view A, accompanying image). Bushing (176) must not protrude into case side of clutch housing.
3. Install bearing sleeve assembly (21). Ensure oil seepage hole is installed downward in clutch housing. Use tool J-35824 and press for this purpose, view B, accompanying image.
4. On models with internal clutch release only, install bushing (177) using tools J-36033 and J-36190 (view C, accompanying image).
5. Install clutch shaft (165) or (216).
6. On models with external clutch release only, install bushing (163) Using tool J-36037 with outer end of bushing flush with bottom of seal bore.
7. On models with internal clutch release only, install bearing (217) using tool J-3672-1.
8. Install seal (164).
9. Install guide (19). Ensure guide short end is in bore. Install and torque attaching bolt (18) to 15 ft lbs.
10. When installing race (56), proceed as follows:
a. Align race cutouts with slots in case.
b. Using tools J-23423-A and J-8092, install race (56) with recessed side facing upward to clear ring gear.
11. Install retainer (178) and attaching bolts (179). Torque attaching bolts to 15 ft lbs.
12. Install plate (162), spacers (161), washers (160) and attaching bolts (159). Torque attaching bolts to 15 ft lbs.
13. Install breather assembly (166).