Output Shaft
Refer to above image, and proceed as follows:
A hydraulic press (15 ton force minimum), tools J-22912-1 and J-36183 are required to conduct the following procedure. Also, identify blocker ring (31) for the 5th gear, blocker ring (41) for 2nd gear and blocker ring (48) for 1st gear. Do not Interchange these blocker rings.
1. Remove reverse gear/5th gear synchronizer assembly (25) using tool J-2291 and press.
2. Remove ring (3).
3. Remove 5th gear (32) and 5th gear bearing (33).
4. Remove thrust washer (35) and ball (34).
5. Remove snap ring (36).
6. Remove 1st gear (49 , bearing (50), caged thrust bearing (51) and thrust washer (52), using tool J-36183 and a hydraulic press with a 15 ton minimum force. 2nd gear (38), bearing 39, race (40), 1/2 synchronizer 42 , blocker rings (41 and 48) and 3/4 gear cluster (37) will press off with the 1st gear assembly.
Inspect components for excessive wear and/or damage. Replace worn or
damaged components as required.
Refer to above image, and proceed as follows:
An oven, hydraulic press, tools J-36183 and J-36184 are required to conduct the following procedure. Also, bearing race (40) requires heating to approximately 250°F. in an oven for 7-10 minutes. 3/4 gear cluster (37) requires heating to approximately 250°F. in an oven for 20 minutes MINIMUM. Lubricate all components as assembly progresses with lubricant No. 12345349 or equivalent.
1. Install thrust washer (52) with chamfer facing downward.
2. Install caged thrust bearing (51) with needles facing downward.
3. Install 1st gear bearing (50) and 1st gear (49) with cone facing upward.
4. Install blocker ring (48).
5. When pressing the 1/2 synchronizer assembly (42), note the following:
a. Start the press operation then STOP, before tangs engage.
b. Lift and rotate gears (49) and (48), to engage blocker ring tangs.
c. Continue to press until seated. Ensure all shavings are removed.
6. Install 1/2 synchronizer (42) using tools described previously. The side marked 1ST and small outside diameter groove on the sleeve must face toward the first gear (49).
7. Install 2nd gear bearing race (40) bearing (39) and 2nd gear (38) with cone facing downward.
8. Install 3/4 gear cluster (37) using tools described previously. Install with large outside diameter gear facing downward.
9. Install snap ring (36), thrust washer ball (34, retain ball using petroleum jelly) and slotted thrust washer (35). Align inside diameter slot with ball (34).
10. Install 5th gear bearing (33) and 5th gear (32).
11. Install blocker ring (31).
12. When installing reverse gear and 5th synchronizer (25), note the following:
a. Start the press operation, then STOP, before tangs engage.
b. Lift and rotate 5th gear (32) and blocker ring (31). Thrust washer (35) must stay down, engaging tangs.
c. Continue to press until seated. Ensure all shavings are removed.
13. Install reverse gear and 5th gear synchronizer assembly (25), using tools described previously.