Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cuts Out/Misses

Steady pulsation or jerking that follows engine speed, usually more pronounced as engine load increases. The exhaust has a steady spitting sound at idle or under a load.

Perform careful visual Physical) check as described in When To Use This Section. If ignition system is suspected of causing a miss at idle or cutting out under load, refer to appropriate ignition "Misfire" in Diagnostic Charts C-4D-1 and/or C-4D-2. If the previous checks did not find the problem:

Visually inspect ignition system for moisture, dust, cracks, burns, ect. Spray plug wires with fine water mist to check for shorts.

If above checks did not correct problem, check the following:

To determine if one injector or connector is faulty, disconnect injector 4-way connector. On the injector side of the harness, connect ohmmeter between the B + circuit and the injector drive side of the harness for each bank of injectors. Because each bank of injectors is wired in parallel, an ohmmeter should measure about 4 ohms. If the reading is 6 ohms, or greater, an open circuit is likely the cause. If 2 ohms or less, a shorted circuit or injector is likely. Reconnect injector 4-way connector.

If either ohm reading is out of range:

Disconnect all injector harness connectors. Connect J 34730-2 Injector Test Light or equivalent 6 volt test light between the harness terminals of each injector connector and note light while cranking. If test light fails to blink at any connector, it is a faulty injector drive circuit harness, connector, or terminal.


^ Injector balance. See Chart C-2A.
^ Fuel system - Plugged fuel filter, water, low pressure. See Chart A-7.
^ Valve timing

Remove rocker covers. Check for bent pushrods, worn rocker arms, broken valve springs, worn camshaft lobes. Repair as necessary. See Engine.

Perform compression check.