Fluid Pressure Test
Line pressure is basically controlled by pump output and the pressure regulator valve. In reverse and low, line pressure is boosted by the reverse boost valve. In addition, line pressure is also boosted with the selector in the neutral, drive and reverse positions by the modulator. Pressure in these positions should increase as the throttle is opened due to the reduction in vacuum applied to the modulator valve.
1. Ensure that transaxle fluid is at correct level.
2. Ensure that T.V. system cable and manual linkage are properly adjusted.
3. Ensure that engine is properly tuned and that all vacuum related systems are operating properly.
4. Connect suitable tachometer to engine following manufacturer's instructions.
5. Connect suitable pressure gauge to transaxle pressure tap as shown in image.
6. Set parking brake, apply service brakes and record line pressures in ranges and at engine speed specified in chart. Ensure that brakes are fully applied at all times during test. Total running time of test should not exceed 2 minutes as transaxle may be damaged.
7. To obtain minimum pressures, ensure that vacuum line is properly connected to modulator and that engine vacuum stem is in satisfactory condition.
8. To obtain maximum pressures, disconnect and plug vacuum hose to modulator.