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Noise In 2ND Gear - GM 4SPD 76mm O/D Passenger

A metallic tapping or ticking noise during 2nd gear operation, a left turn, rapid acceleration in a forward direction or movement in shifter lever can be caused by interference between reverse idler gear and output 1st and 2nd gear synchronizer assemblies. This interference can be caused by the following.

1. An overshift condition caused by a shift cable or shift lever out of adjustment.

2. An incorrect profile or spread forks on the reverse shift lever which positions the reverse idler gear toward the synchronizer assembly.

3. A reverse lever moving the idler gear toward the synchronizer assembly, caused by a poorly machined or positioned interlock assembly. Adjust shift cable and shift control when servicing before replacement of parts, then bench test to assure elimination of interference before reinstalling case cover:

a. Shift transaxle into 2nd gear.

b. Remove excess slack from idler gear with a lifting motion.

c. Rotate input shaft clockwise and listen for interference indications.