Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

No Drive In Drive Range

1. Low oil level.

2. Manual linkage improperly adjusted.

3. Low oil pressure due to:

a. Restricted or plugged oil screen.

b. Oil screen gasket improperly installed.

c. Oil pump pressure regulator.

d. Pump drive gear tangs damaged by converter.

e. Case porosity in intake bore.

4. Forward clutch malfunctioning due to:

a. Forward clutch not applying due to cracked piston, damaged or missing seals, burned clutch plates, snap ring not in groove.

b. Forward clutch seal rings damaged or missing on turbine shaft, leaking feed circuits due to damaged or improperly positioned gasket.

c. Clutch housing check ball stuck or missing.

d. Cup plug leaking or missing from rear of turbine shaft in clutch apply passage.

e. Incorrect forward clutch piston assembly or incorrect number of clutch plates.

5. Roller clutch malfunctioning due to missing rollers or springs or possibly galled rollers.