Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parts Information, Training, Manuals


To ensure parts are obtained as soon as possible, order them from General Motors Service Parts Operations (GMSPO) on a C.I.O. order, with NO special instruction code, but order on an advise code (2). See the "1986-87 3.0L & 3.8L Stall Diagnostics" manual for appropriate part numbers.


Dealer personnel were given training in the 1986-87 3.0L & 3.8L Stall Diagnostics procedure last year and Oldsmobile expects, based on past experience, that dealers should be able to satisfy any concern that an owner may have in this regard. Also, a training video will be sent to each dealer at a later date. Please have your technicians review this video upon receipt. Please retain this video for future reference.


If you need assistance or additional manuals, please contact your zone or ODAC office.