Owner Letter
This letter will be mailed to 49 states except California in December 1991; California owners will be notified after owner name/address information becomes available.
December 1991
Dear Oldsmobile Owner:
We at Oldsmobile are very concerned about Oldsmobile customers and are committed to continually improving their overall vehicle ownership experience. We are writing to you today about a condition that some owners have reported experiencing and our action to resolve this condition.
Some customers with 1986 and 1987 model front-wheel drive Oldsmobiles equipped with 3.0L or 3.8L engines have reported intermittent stalling. Here is what we are doing about it:
First, to correct the intermittent stalling, we have developed a comprehensive diagnostic
and repair procedure for technicians at Oldsmobile dealerships. This procedure has been
very effective in correcting intermittent stalling.
Second, General Motors Corporation and Oldsmobile are providing owners with special
coverage for repair of this intermittent stalling condition, at no charge. The details of the
special coverage are set out in the enclosed brochure, which you should keep with other
glovebox materials in your car. This special coverage is good until December 31, 1992 or
for the initial 100,000 miles of vehicle use, whichever comes first.
Third, if you have paid for repairs for this intermittent stalling condition (other than
normal maintenance service or items) prior to receipt of this letter, and you have not been
reimbursed, you many contact your Oldsmobile dealer to seek reimbursement. Please
provide your original paid receipts or invoices verifying the repair, the amount charged,
proof of your payment, and date of payment of those charges.
Please call us at Oldsmobile Customer Assistance (1-800-442-6537) if you have any questions about this program. Hearing or speech impaired individuals with telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD/TTY) may contact Oldsmobile Customer Assistance at 1-800-TDD-OLDS (1-800-833-6537).
We hope that these steps will satisfactorily address any intermittent stalling problems in your vehicle, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.