Drive Link Assembly
1. Check drive sprocket teeth and turbine shaft seal ring grooves for wear or damage. Do not remove seal ring unless replacing.2. If replacement of turbine shaft or drive sprocket is necessary, proceed as follows:
a. Remove snap ring.
b. Remove turbine shaft from sprocket.
c. Install sprocket onto turbine shaft with the flat side up and install snap ring.
d. If installing new turbine shaft seal rings, be sure to position cut ends properly, see image.
3. Check link assembly for loose links or other damage.
4. Check driven sprocket teeth and internal splines for damage or wear. Check driven gear thrust bearing race for wear or damage. If race is damaged and replacement of sprocket is necessary, the drive support bearing must also be replaced.
5. Install drive and driven sprocket thrust washers and retain with petroleum jelly.
6. Install drive and driven sprockets into link assembly with colored guide link, which has numerals, facing case cover. Install into transaxle.
7. Install driven sprocket roller bearing thrust washer with outer race against sprocket.