Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Steering Column - Without Key Release - Assemble

1. Apply a light coat of grease to all friction surfaces.
2. Install bearing in housing if removed.
3. Using a .180 inch diameter rod to align shoes, install lock shoe springs, lock shoe and shoe pin in bearing housing.
4. Install spring, release lever and pin in bearing housing.
5. Install washer and drive shaft in housing. Lightly tap sector onto shaft far enough to install snap ring.
6. Install lock bolt and engage with sector cam.
7. Install rack and spring. Engage block tooth on rack with block tooth on sector. Install external tilt release lever, bolt spring and spring retaining screw and torque screw to 35 lb in
8. Wind up shift lever spring with pliers and install in bowl. Slide bowl into mast jacket.
9. Install wave washer and lock plate in place. Work lock plate into notches in jacket.
10. Install shift tube in lower end of mast jacket. Align keyway in tube with key in bowl and using installer tool J-23073, pull shift tube into bowl. Do not push or tap on end of shift tube.
11. Install thrust washer and retaining ring by pulling bowl up to compress wave washer.
12. Align ``V'' notch in support with ``V'' notch in jacket and install support and lock plate. Torque screws to 60 lb in
13. Align lower bearing adapter notches in jacket and push in lower end of mast jacket and install clip.
14. Install spheres and anti-lash spring in upper steering shaft. Install lower steering shaft.
15. Install steering shaft through upper end of shift tube. Carefully guide shaft through shift tube and bearing.
16. Install ignition switch actuator rod. Extend rack downward from bearing housing and assemble bearing housing over steering shaft, engage rack over end of actuator rod.
17. Install external tilt release lever. Hold lock shoes in disengaged position and assemble bearing housing over steering shaft until pivot pin holes align and install pivot pins.
18. Place housing in ``full up'' position. Install guide, tilt spring and tilt spring retainer using a screwdriver in retainer slot. Rotate retainer clockwise to engage.
19. Install inner race, inner race seat and tilt lever opening shield.
20. Remove tilt release lever. Install housing cover and torque screws to 45 lb in
21. Assemble buzzer switch to spring clip with formed end of clip under end of switch and spring bowed away from switch on opposite side of contact. With contacts toward lock cylinder bore, push switch and spring into hole in cover until it bottoms.
22. Install cruise control switch wires, if used. Install turn signal switch wires and connector, bearing housing and bowl. Push hazard warning knob in. Install turn signal switch and torque screws to 35 lb in Shortest screw must be installed in hole nearest lock cylinder.
23. Install spring, spacer, no-back washer (if used) and lower steering shaft flange. Torque flange pinch bolt to 30 lb ft
24. Install hazard warning knob, pull knob out and install cancelling cam spring, cancelling cam and shaft lock.
25. Using lock plate compressor tool, depress shaft lock plate and install a new snap ring in shaft groove.
26. Install tilt release lever, turn signal lever and upper shift lever. Drive in pivot pins and install lock cylinder.
27. Install shaft lock cover and torque screws to 35 lb in
28. With lock cylinder and ignition switch in ``lock'' position, put bowl or shroud in ``Park'' position, fit actuator into switch and assembly to column, torque screws to 35 lb in
29. Install neutral-start/back-up light switch, leaving attaching screws loose.
30. Install wire protector, mounting bracket, steering wheel and adjust neutral-start/back-up light switch.