Test C: Blower Switch Test
1. Remove the connector from the Blower Resistor Assembly. Measure the voltage to ground at the following terminals of the connector.Test C Blower Switch Test Part 1 Of 2:
^ If all voltages are correct, proceed to step 2.
^ If Battery is present at terminal A, but not at terminals C or D, check the BRN/ WHT wire (64) for an open between the A/C Mode Selector, terminal D, and the Blower Switch, terminal E.
^ If the voltages at terminals C or D are not correct, check the TAN (63) and LT BLU (72) wires for opens or shorts, If wires are good, repair or replace the Blower Switch.
2. Measure the voltages to ground at terminal E of the Blower Relay.
Test C Blower Switch Test Part 2 Of 2:
^ If voltages in steps 1 and 2 are correct, Blower Switch is good.
^ If voltages are incorrect at terminal E, check the ORN wire (52) for an open or short. If ORN wire is good, repair or replace the Blower Switch.