Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Low Oil Pressure

1. Low fluid level.

2. Misadjusted or sticking Throttle Valve (T.V.) cable.

3. Binding or incorrect T.V. linkage.

4. Stuck throttle valve.

5. Stuck T.V. valve.

6. Plugged oil strainer.

7. Leaing or damaged oil strainer O-ring seal.

8. Loose control valve and pump assembly bolts.

9. Missing or mislocated No. 5 or No. 6 check balls.

10. Stuck or damaged T.V. valve and plunger.

11. Stuck or damaged shift T.V. valve.

12. Stuck or damaged pressure regulator valve.

13. Stuck or damaged boost valve.

14. Stuck or damaged pressure relief valve.

15. Leaking or missing 1-2 accumulator piston and/or seal.

16. Integral leakage.

17. Damaged low blow off valve or missing No. 4 check ball.

18. Cut or missing pump vane seals.

19. Blocked intermediate oil passages to pressure regulator.

20. Leaking driven sprocket support to case cover.