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System Diagnosis - With Port Fuel Injection (PFI)

Diagnostic Circuit Check:

The Diagnostic Circuit Check is an organized approach to identifying a problem created by an Electronic Engine Control System malfunction. It must be the starting point for any driveability complaint diagnosis, because it directs the Service Technician to the next logical step in diagnosing the complaint. The "Scan Data" values (under SCAN TESTER DIAGNOSIS) may be used for comparison, after completing the Diagnostic Circuit Check and finding the on-board diagnostics functioning properly and no trouble codes displayed. The "Typical Values" are an average of display values recorded from normally operating vehicles and are intended to represent what a normally functioning system would typically display. A "SCAN" TOOL THAT DISPLAYS FAULTY DATA SHOULD NOT BE USED, AND THE PROBLEM SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE MANUFACTURER. THE USE OF A FAULTY "SCAN" CAN RESULT IN MISDIAGNOSIS AND UNNECESSARY PARTS REPLACEMENT. Only the parameters listed are used for diagnosis. If a "Scan" reads other parameters, the values are not recommended. If all values are within the range illustrated, refer to "Diagnosis by Symptoms, No Trouble Code Stored".