Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Fuel Pump: Service and Repair

Remove or Disconnect

1. A/C compressor drive belt if so equipped.
2. If equipped with A.I.R.:
a. Other than G series 2 door, loosen the A.I.R. pump pulley bolts.
b. A.I.R. hoses and electrical leads at the A.I.R. pump.
c. A.I.R. pump pulley on all except G series 2-door.
d. A.I.R. pump (with brackets attached on G series 2-door) and lay aside.
3. If A/C equipped:
a. A/C compressor (with lines attached) and lay aside.
b. Compressor front bracket.
4. Fuel inlet hose from pump. Disconnect vapor return hose, if so equipped.
5. Fuel outlet pipe.
6. Two 1/2 inch hex head bolts or nuts, using a 3/8 inch drive deep socket and a ratchet handle.
7. Fuel pump.

Install or Connect

1. Fuel pump with new gasket.
2. Two 1/2 inch hex head bolts, turning them alternately and evenly.
3. Fuel outlet pipe. Tighten fitting securely, while holding fuel pump nut with a wrench.
4. Fuel inlet hose. Install vapor return hose, if so equipped.
5. If equipped with A/C:
a. Compressor front bracket.
b. Loosely install the compressor.
c. G series 2-door, install the compressor drive belt.
6. If equipped with A.I.R:
a. A.I.R. pump
b. A.I.R. hoses and electrical leads
c. A.I.R. pump pulley, if removed
d. A.I.R. pump and/or A/C compressor belt


^ Start the engine and check for leaks.