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Direct Clutch Assembly

1. Remove snap ring, clutch backing plate and direct clutch plates from direct clutch housing.
2. Using clutch spring compressor J-23327, or equivalent, compress retainer and spring assembly, then remove snap ring.
3. Remove retainer and spring assembly, spring guide, direct piston and inner and outer seal rings. Do not remove clutch apply ring form the piston unless piston or apply ring require replacement.
4. Inspect direct clutch housing for cracks, worn or damaged clutch lugs, snap ring groove damage or bushing scored or damaged.
5. Inspect clutch backing plate for scoring or heat damage.
6. Inspect composition and steel clutch plates for plate tang damage, delamination, heat damage and wear.
7. Inspect retainer and spring assembly for distortion or collapsed springs and retainer. Check spring guide for damage.
8. Inspect piston for cracks or damage.
9. Ensure direct clutch piston and housing check valves operate freely. If check ball is damaged, replace check ball as required. Leak test check ball with specified solvent.
10. If check valve assemblies are damaged, remove using a 3/8 inch rod or drift punch.
11. Install new check valve assemblies, using rod or drift punch, until seated.
12. Install clutch apply ring, if necessary.
13. Install new inner and outer piston seals, with seal lips facing away from apply ring side. Use extreme care when installing piston seals. Snap ring groove could cut outer piston seal. Lubricate seals with Transjel.
14. Install center seal onto direct clutch housing.
15. Position seal protector J-25010 or equivalent onto direct clutch housing, lubricate oil seals, then install piston into direct clutch housing, using seal installer J-26744 or equivalent to compress lip of seal while pushing down on piston.
16. Remove seal protector, then install spring guide. Align omitted rib with check valve.
17. Install retainer and spring assembly. Do not let retainer catch on snap ring groove.
18. Compress retainer and spring assembly past snap ring groove, then install snap ring.
19. Lubricate, then install direct clutch plates into direct clutch housing. Start with a steel plate, then alternate to a composition-faced plate. Continue alternating until all plates have been used.
20. Install backing plate with micro finish side down.
21. Install snap ring. Ensure composition-faced clutch plates turn freely.
22. Position direct clutch assembly aside.