Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Install insert (628), then the inner and outer seals (626 and 627) with lips facing housing (624).

2. Install new seals on piston.

3. Install piston assembly (629) with seal installation tool No. J26744-A or equivalent. Start inner seal (627) first.

4. Install spring guide (630), spring and retainer assembly (631).

5. Install snap ring (632) with arbor press or clutch pack compressor tool No. J23456 and forward spring compressor adapter tool No. J25018-A or equivalents.

6. Install steel wave plate (625)

7. Lubricate composition plates (633) with Dexron II, Fig. 33.

8. Alternate composition and steel plates, then install final steel waved plate (625).

9. Install selective backing plate (634) with I.D. side facing up.

10. Install snap ring (617), then install new seal rings (622).

11. Determine correct backing plate size as follows:

a. Apply an even load of hand pressure (approximately 10 lbs.) to top of backing plate (634).

b. Do not flatten waved plates during measurement. Measure snap ring (617) to backing plate end play with feeler gauge. Correct end play is 0.040 - 0.060 inch.

c. Using figure, identify correct size backing plate needed to bring end play to correct specification.