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Coolant Cavity Cover


1. Remove throttle body assembly, see THROTTLE BODY HOUSING for procedure.
2. Remove coolant cover attaching screw assemblies.
3. Remove coolant cavity cover.
4. Clean and inspect O-ring sealing surfaces, for damage and corrosion. Replace coolant cavity cover or throttle body if necessary.


1. Lubricate the new coolant cover O-ring with Ethylene Glycol antifreeze.
2. Place the O-ring in the cavity of the throttle body.
3. Position the coolant cavity cover onto the throttle body, and hold it in place.
4. Install the coolant cavity cover attaching screws, and tighten to 3.0 Nm (27 lb.in).
5. Reinstall throttle body, see THROTTLE BODY HOUSING for procedure.
6. Connect the negative battery cable.
7. Reset IAC valve pintle position:
a. Depress accelerator pedal slightly.
b. START and run the engine for five seconds.
c. Turn the ignition OFF for ten seconds.
d. RESTART the engine and check for proper idle operation.