Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Driven Sprocket Support

1. Check driven sprocket support for cracks or other damage. Check driven sprocket support sleeve for damage. It must be tight in its bore and align with holes in the support.
2. Check support bushing for damage or wear.
3. Check driven sprocket bearing assembly for damage. If replacement is necessary, proceed as follows:

Fig. 67, Removing driven sprocket bearings:

a. Remove bearing using bearing puller tool No. J-26941 and a slide hammer, Fig. 67.
b. Install new bearing using bearing installer tool No. J-28677 and No. J-8092. Bearing must be installed with manufacturing identification facing up.
4. Check seal rings for nicks or cuts. When replacing the driven sprocket bearing assembly, the race on the driven sprocket must be checked. If necessary to replace the race, the driven sprocket assembly must be replaced. Do not remove seal rings unless replacing.

Fig. 59, Oil seal ring installation:

5. If removed, install new seal rings on sprocket support, Fig. 59.

Fig. 20, Removing driven sprocket support:

6. Install direct clutch to support thrust washer and retain with petroleum jelly. Install driven sprocket support into case, Fig. 20.