Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Miscellaneous Notes

1. Poor alignment will not cause vibration complaints.
2. Toe-in does not affect leads/pulls or torque steer. It only affects steering wheel angle and tire wear.
3. Camber and caster values should not change during vehicle shipment.
4. Some caster adjustments may be made using the following procedure, which utilizes available tolerance in fastener holes. Do not file or elongate any body sheet metal.
A. Loosen the 6 suspension support bolts on the side needing adjustment.

B. Using a pry bar or other appropriate tool, adjust the suspension support forward to increase caster, or rearward to decrease caster.
C. Tighten the 6 suspension support bolts while holding the suspension support in the desired position.
D. Loosen the 3 strut mount fasteners in the engine compartment and move the top of the strut rearward to increase caster or forward to decrease caster.

5. Never modify body sheet metal to adjust caster or camber on Firenza, Cutlass Calais or Achieva vehicles. There is not enough structure or inside spring clearance to do so.
6. Always confirm calibration of alignment machine before calling Technical Assistance.
7. Try a known good set of tires on a continual problem vehicle before calling Technical Assistance. This will rule out tires as a cause of the problem.
8. If it is necessary to call Technical Assistance, please have the following information ready to give to the Technical Assistance Engineer:
A. Nature of complaint - What the customer complained about, mileage, and whether it is a torque steer, lead/pull, memory steer, or steering wheel off center.
B. Last calibration date of alignment rack, type of equipment and model number.
C. Tire size and brand, and condition of tires.
D. Before and after alignment readings.
E. "Z" heights.
F. Call only after attached procedure(s) has been performed.

9. For vehicles still under warranty, please use correct labor operation codes for what has been done, and keep records (before/after measurements, customer concern, etc).

E0100 is the labor operation number used for warranty claims for front tire swaps because of lead/pull or torque steer concerns.

E2020 is the labor operation number used for warranty claims for toe adjust. Correct repair is to reset front wheel individual and sum toe while locking the steering wheel in correct level position. Do not use E2020 to claim a toe adjust. Remember that a toe adjust will not correct torque steer or leads/pulls; it only corrects excessive tire wear and steering wheel angle.

10. Do not claim an alignment labor operation in addition to another labor operation that requires (and includes labor time for) an alignment. The labor time for the alignment is either included in the labor operation or will be added to the labor operation. A good example of this is a strut replacement. The times for a camber check should be added, but an E2020 should not be claimed in addition to the strut change code.
11. Whenever possible in unusual or difficult-to-resolve cases, keep all defective parts and information for possible Engineering analysis. This includes defective tires, steering gears, strut mounts, and any other involved parts.
12. Whenever possible, record before and after measurements of caster, camber, toe, and suspension "Z" heights. This will speed up the resolution of these problems.