Troubleshooting Hints
1. Check that ground 0302 is clean and tight.2. Check the GAGES Fuse by observing the Instrument Cluster gages.
3. Check the PWR ACC Circuit Breaker by operating Rear Defogger and observing that the Rear Defogger On Indicator lights.
4. Check the CLK-CIG Fuse by operating the Horn.
5. Always check Terminal Contact before replacing any component.
6. If a second transmitter is available, try it. If it works, change the batteries in the first transmitter and try it again. If it still doesn't work, it is defective.
7. Check Portable Transmitter battery terminals. They should be clean and make good contact with the battery.
8. If in doubt as to the condition of the Transmitter batteries, replace them with new ones. Checking battery voltage with a DVOM may give false results.
9. If a motor's internal circuit breaker trips, it will not reset until voltage is removed from the motor.