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R12 and R134A Refrigerants Are Not Interchangeable

R12 and R134a Refrigerants Are Not Interchangeable and Cannot Be Mixed!

Mixing different refrigerants during service will result in a significant pressure increase in the vehicle A/C system and in your recovery equipment. Recovery of even small amounts of R12 or any substitute refrigerant in your R134a service equipment can result in the following A/C service concerns:

^ Contamination of previously recovered refrigerant.

^ Increased repair costs and down time to R134a recovery/recycling equipment.

^ Longer recovery time and/or recovery equipment shutting off prior to complete recovery.

^ Refrigerant loss as contaminated refrigerant will activate automatic air purge system.

^ Spread of contaminated refrigerant to other vehicles.

^ Dissatisfied customers and comebacks for concerns of insufficient cooling, compressor noise, system leaks, durability and other conditions resulting from higher system pressures.