Evaporator Core: Service and Repair
Fig. 30 Heater Core & Evaporator Core. With A/C:
1. Disable airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable and discharge refrigerant from A/C system.
3. Disconnect evaporator core inlet and outlet refrigerant lines. Cap lines and outlets.
4. Remove righthand instrument insulator panel attaching screws, then pull panel rearward to disconnect.
5. Remove instrument panel lower reinforcement attaching nut and screw.
6. Disconnect lower evaporator case vacuum electrical connectors.
7. Remove righthand pillar trim finish panel, then roll carpet back to gain access.
8. Remove seven lower evaporator case attaching screws, then remove lower evaporator case.
9. Remove evaporator core attaching screw and bracket, Fig. 30.
10. Pull heater core rearward and down to remove.
11. Reverse procedure to install.
12. Rearm airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.