- Assemble
CAUTION: Do not use any type of grease to retain components during assembly. Greases other than the recommended assembly lube will change transaxle fluid characteristics and cause undesirable shift conditions and filter clogging.External Components
Drive Link Assembly, Servo and Oil Pipes
Internal Components
1. Replace converter seal and axle fluid seal.
2. If necessary, replace drive sprocket support bearing with bearing puller tool No. J26941, slide hammer tool No. J6125-1 and adapter tool No. J6471-8 or equivalents.
3. If necessary, replace drive sprocket support as follows:
a. Remove converter seal, then loosen Torx screws.
b. Remove support from case and replace.
c. Apply Threadlocker No. 12345382 or equivalent, to Torx screws and
torque to 18 ft. lbs.
4. If necessary, replace parking pawl as follows:
a. Remove retainer (708) and shaft (709).
b. Remove return spring (707) and pawl (706).
c. Reverse procedure to install.
5. Inspect governor pipe for damage of cracks. If necessary replace governor pipe as follows:
a. Carefully pry off pipe using a screw driver or similar tool. Use a shop rag to protect transaxle case prying area.
b. Coat both ends of pipe with Threadlocker 12345493 or equivalent. Gently tap pipe with a soft mallet.
6. Install oil weir and bolt. Torque bolt to 18 ft. lbs.
7. Inspect 3rd oil cup plug for cracks or loose fit. If necessary, replace 3rd oil cup plug as follows:
a. Remove cup plug with a No. 3 screw extractor with 1/2 inch cut off of the end.
b. Install cup plug with 3/4 inch pin punch.
8. Inspect manual shaft oil seal for damage. If necessary, replace as follows:
a. Carefully pry out seal. Use caution not to damage case and bore.
b. Install seal, lip side facing up, with 13mm socket, Fig. 41. Tap with soft mallet until seal is seated. Coat bore with assembly lube No. J36850 or equivalent, for easier installation.
9. Inspect governor drive gear for wear. If necessary, replace governor drive gear as follows:
a. Remove drive gear with puller tool No. J8433 or equivalent.
10. Install final drive assembly as follows:
a. Install thrust bearing (676), into carrier, with outer race facing down.
b. Install sun gear (675) with stepped side facing upwards.
c. Install thrust bearing (674) with outside race to internal gear.
d. Assemble internal gear (673) onto carrier.
e. Install thrust washer (680), onto carrier assembly. Retain with assembly lube No. J36850 or equivalent.
f. Install thrust bearing (681) onto carrier assembly with inner race toward carrier. Retain with assembly lube No. J36850 or equivalent.
g. Install final drive carrier assembly into transaxle case with installation tool No. J33381 or equivalent.
11. Install parking pawl spacer into transaxle case. Spacer must fit into case so parking pawl operates freely. Install snap ring.
12. Check final drive to transaxle case endplay as follows:
a. Install dial indicator tool No. J8001 or equivalent, to stem contacts adapter tool No. J26958-10 or equivalent.
b. With snap ring removal tool No. J28585 or equivalent, positioned through the governor bore, lift up on governor drive gear.
c. Correct reading on dial indicator should be 0.005-0.032 inch. For correct washer selection, refer to the figure.
13. Install reaction carrier assembly as follows:
a. Install internal gear (668) onto sun gear shaft (669).
b. Install thrust bearing (667) with inner race against internal gear.
14. Install Low/Reverse clutch plates as follows:
a. Install backing plate (659) and steel waved plate (688).
b. Apply Dexron II to composition plates (658). Alternately install composition plate, then the steel waved plate.
c. Install snap ring (650).
15. Install Low/Reverse clutch housing into transaxle case with installation tool No. J34008 or equivalent.
Secure in position with new snap ring.
16. Install reaction sun gear and snap ring. Determine correct size snap ring as follows:
a. Install dial indicator tool No. J8001, post tool No. J25025-7, feeler gauge tool No, J28588, or equivalents, as shown in the diagram.
b. Seat sun gear into position.
c. Position gauge extension between open ends of snap ring, then swing feeler gauge under extension shoulder.
d. Set dial indicator to zero, then position snap ring under extension shoulder.
e. Remove feeler gauge from under shoulder.
f. Correct dial indicator reading should be 0.013-0.005 inch.
g. If reading is not within specifications, refer to the figure to determine correct size snap ring needed.
17. Mount dial indicator mounted as shown, check Low roller clutch race selective spacer endplay as follows:
a. Zero out dial indicator.
b. Pry up on internal gear with suitable long screwdriver.
c. Dial indicator reading should be 0.003 to 0.046 inch.
d. Refer to the chart for correct washer selection.
18. Install input unit components as follows:
a. Install drum (643) onto reaction sun gear in transaxle case.
b. Install input sun gear (642) with ID gear facing down, onto reaction sun gear.
c. Install tanged thrust washer (641) onto carrier assembly (640). Retain in position with assembly lube No. 36850 or equivalent.
d. Install carrier assembly onto sun gear. Sun gear must engage pinions.
e. Install thrust washer (639), internal gear (637) and input shaft thrust washer.
19. Assemble direct clutch assembly onto forward clutch assembly. Rotate direct clutch so all direct clutch plates engage forward clutch housing hub.
20. Ensure assembled height of direct clutch and forward clutch assemblies is 1 13/32 inches.
21. Install forward and direct clutch assemblies into transaxle case. Forward clutch splines must engage input internal gear splines.
22. Measure case face to housing assembly, 1 11/16 inch should be indicated.
23. Install intermediate band assembly. Band must engage transaxle case lug.
24. Install band anchor hole plug.
25. Install driven sprocket thrust washer into transaxle case. Retain with assembly lube No. 36850 or equivalent.
26. Insert driven sprocket support into case. Do not allow direct clutch bushing to cut oil seals.
27. Install manual shaft as follows:
a. Connect actuator (705) to manual shaft (704).
b. Insert detent lever (703) into transaxle case.
c. Slide manual shaft (704) into case and engage detent lever.
d. Tap roll pin (702) into detent lever with a 3A6 inch pin punch.
e. Tap pin (713) into position.
28. Install drive link assembly as follows:
a. Install thrust washer (123) onto sprocket (122). Retain with assembly lube No. 36850 or equivalent.
b. Install thrust washer (104) onto sprocket (103) and retain with assembly lube No. 36850 or equivalent.
c. Position drive and driven sprockets
into link assembly (101), with colored guide link facing up. Drive link assembly must be installed in direction colored drive link was removed.
d. Install drive link assembly and sprockets into transaxle case.
e. Install new O-ring onto turbine shaft from converter side of case.
f. Install thrust bearing onto sprocket, with black side facing up.
29. Check input shaft to case cover endplay as follows:
a. Install dial indicator as shown.
b. Push lifter down and release, then zero dial indicator.
c. Pull lifter up, reading should be0.004 to 0.033 inch.
d. Refer to chart for correct snap ring selection.
e. Remove tools.
30. Install control valve assembly as follows:
a. Insert check balls No. 2, 3, 4, and 5 in position shown. Retain in position with assembly lube No. J36850 or equivalent.
b. Install gaskets and spacer plate, then place check ball No. 1 on spacer plate.
c. Insert shaft through case cover, then install 6 mm pins, as shown.
d. Install valve body assembly onto case cover, then install retainer (328).
e. Install bolts in correct locations, as shown.
f. Coat longest bolt (44) with thread sealer, then connect electrical harness connector.
g. Install link (22) and bracket assembly (23).
h. Remove 6 mm guide pins.
i. Torque M6 control valve bolts to 96 inch lbs.
j. Torque M8 control valve bolts to 18 ft. lbs.
k. Install control valve cover and gasket. Torque retaining bolts to 96 inch lbs.
31. Install intermediate servo as follows:
a. Assemble retainer (130) onto pin (129).
b. Install spring (131), piston (133) and E-ring (135).
32. On models with internal speed sensor, install governor assembly and internal speed sensor as follows:
a. Install governor assembly into transaxle case.
b. Install rotor onto governor assembly, then install bearing onto rotor with black side facing up.
c. Install new oil seal onto housing.
d. Install retaining screw.
e. Install coil assembly (803) and O-ring (806) into housing. Place O-ring on coil assembly first.
f. Install washers (804), magnet (805) and wave spring washer (807) into housing.
g. Install gasket and cover onto housing, then install bolts.
33. On models less internal speed sensor, install governor assembly as follows:
a. Install governor assembly into
b. Install gear (5) onto governor, then install bearing (6) onto gear, with black side facing up.
c. Install new O-ring (7) into cover.
d. Install cover (9) and screw (8).
Torque screw to 96 inch lbs.
e. Assemble O-ring (11) into sleeve, then install gear (10) into sleeve.
f. Install sleeve into cover (9).
g. Install retainer (13) and clip (14).
34. On all models, install oil filter and pan.
35. Install torque converter.