Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

- Disassemble

External Components

Drive Link Assembly, Servo and Oil Pipes

Internal Components

1. Install converter holding strap tool No. J21366 or equivalent, and remove converter.

2. Install transaxle onto holding fixture tool No. J28664 or equivalent.

3. Drain transaxle fluid.

4. On models with internal speed sensor, remove governor assembly as follows:

a. Remove screws, housing and oil seal.

b. Remove bearing, rotor and governor assembly.

5. On models less internal speed sensor, remove governor assembly as follows:

a. Remove clip (13), speedometer sleeve (12) and gear (10).

b. Remove governor cover bolts (8), governor cover (9) and O-ring (7).

c. Remove bearing (6) and gear (5).

d. Remove governor assembly (4).

6. On all models, remove servo assembly and oil pipe as follows:

a. Remove oil pan bolts, oil pan, filter and seal.

b. Remove oil pan, filter and O-ring.

c. Remove intermediate servo cover bolts (141 and 142).

d. Remove retainers (140, 143 and 146).

e. Remove servo cover (137) and gasket.

f. Remove servo assembly (128 through 135), then remove E-clip (135) from pin.

g. Remove oil weir (147), check valve (126) and spring (125).

h. Remove pipe (139), backup ring (144) and O-ring (145).

7. Remove 3rd accumulator valve as follows:

a. Remove bolt (712) and brackets (710and711).

b. Remove bolts (142), then remove 3rd accumulator valve (126) and spring (125).

8. Remove Low/Reverse seal and output shaft as follows:

a. Using a modified No. 4 screw extractor, remove Low/Reverse cup plug.

b. Remove output shaft C-ring with removal tool No. J34757 or equivalent, then remove output shaft from case.

9. Remove side cover and control valve pump assembly as follows:

a. Remove screws (36) and the cover (26).

b. Remove bolts (24). Do not remove bolt marked "A", unless auxiliary valve body is to be serviced.

c. Remove bracket assembly (23) and TV cable link (22).

d. Remove control valve (21). Do not place machined side of control valve on bench.

e. Remove No. 1 check ball (16), pump shafts (18 and 20) and gaskets.

f. Remove remaining five check balls.

10. Remove case cover as follows:

a. Remove rod from manual valve (406).

b. Remove all case cover attaching bolts.

c. Insert two M12 50mm bolts into dowel pin holes. Bolts will self tap, bottom and then separate cover from case. Do not pry on case.

d. Place case cover on bench with 1-2 accumulator side facing upwards.

e. Remove accumulator spring (419), piston (421) and gasket.

11. Check drive link as follows:

a. Midway between sprockets, and at right angles to drive link, push bottom strand of the drive link until all slack is removed and mark case with a pencil on bottom side of drive link.

b. Push bottom strand up in the same manner and put a second mark on the case, ensure both marks are made at the same point on the chain.

c. Measure distance between two marks.

d. If distance exceeds 7/8 inch, replace drive link.

12. Remove drive link as follows:

a. Remove O-ring from front of turbine shaft.

b. Remove drive link assembly, drive and driven sprockets. Note direction of colored guide (black) when removing drive link. Colored guide must be installed in same direction.

c. Remove drive sprocket thrust washer and driven sprocket thrust washer.

13. Remove input unit components as follows:

a. Remove pins (702 and 713).

b. Remove detent lever (703), manual shift (704) and actuator rod (705).

c. Remove driven sprocket support (602) and thrust washer (605) on direct clutch side.

d. Remove plug (607) and band (606).

e. Remove direct forward clutch assemblies by lifting input shaft.

f. Remove thrust washer (636), internal gear (637), input carrier (640) and thrust washer (641).

g. Remove input sun gear (642) and input drum (643).

14. Remove reaction unit components as follows:

a. Remove sun gear, then the thick snap ring (647).

b. Remove Low/Reverse clutch housing (649) with removal tool No. J28542 or equivalent.

c. Remove thin snap ring (650), then remove the reaction carrier, roller clutch assemblies and Low/Reverse clutch plates by lifting shaft (669).

d. Disassemble roller clutch assembly (662), internal gear (668) and shaft (669).

15. Remove final drive assembly as follows:

a. Remove snap ring (647) and spacer(671).

b. Remove final drive assembly with removal tool No. J33381 or equivalent.

c. Remove selective washer and thrust bearing.