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Clutch: Description and Operation

Fig. 2 Clutch Hydraulic System. 1991-92:

The hydraulic system components (master cylinder and clutch actuator) Fig. 2 can be serviced separately. If a component fails, that component may be replaced. The clutch hydraulic system is serviced as two major assemblies, the master cylinder and actuator assemblies. Each assembly has been bled of air and filled with brake fluid. Individual components of these assemblies are not available separately.
Whenever powertrain components are lowered for any reason (removal or access to other components), the clutch actuator must be removed from the transaxle case. Refer to procedure outlined under Clutch Slave Cylinder / Service and Repair. Failure to remove actuator may result in hydraulic system damage.
Prior to any operation that requires removal of the actuator, the clutch master cylinder pushrod must be disconnected from the clutch pedal. Failure to disconnect pushrod will result in permanent damage to the actuator if the clutch pedal is depressed without resistance from clutch loads. Master cylinder pushrod bushing must also be replaced whenever it has been removed from the clutch pedal.