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Trunk / Liftgate: Description and Operation

Voltage is applied at all times through the TRUNK REL Fuse to the Luggage Compartment Lid Release Switch. With the Switch closed and the Transaxle Position Switch in PARK (Automatic Transaxle only), voltage is applied to the Luggage Compartment Lid Release Solenoid, releasing the Luggage Compartment Lid.


The Luggage Compartment Lid Release works the same as above except the convertible has a Luggage Compartment Lid Release Lockout Switch located in the Luggage Compartment. When the Luggage Compartment Lid Release Switch is moved to the LOCK position, the switch removes voltage from the Luggage Compartment Lid Release Solenoid. This prevents the Luggage Compartment Release Switch from opening the Luggage Compartment Lid.