With Integral Washer Pump
On models with pulse wipers, disconnect electrical connectors to pulse module and connect switch and motor harnesses together. If problem is corrected, pulse module is defective.
Wiper Motor Inoperative
1. Turn ignition switch on and wiper switch off and connect test lamp lead to ground on vehicle and backprobe terminal 3.
2. If lamp does not illuminate, check fuse.
3. If fuse is satisfactory, locate and repair open circuit from fuse block to wiper motor.
4. If fuse is blown, replace it.
5. If fuse blows again, unplug motor and replace fuse.
6. If fuse blows again, check for grounded condition in wire to terminal No. 3.
7. If fuse does not blow again, check for high amperage of motor. Lowest current draw on dry glass should not exceed 6.5 amps.
8. If lamp illuminated in step 1, connect test lamp lead to ground at wiper motor case and backprobe terminal 3.
9. If lamp does not illuminate, check both motor ground connections.
10. If lamp illuminates, set wiper switch to LO, connect test lamp lead to ground at wiper motor case and backprobe terminal 2.
11. If lamp does not illuminate, repair open from wiper switch to motor.
12. If lamp illuminates, backprobe terminal 1.
13. If lamp does not illuminate, replace park switch.
14. If lamp illuminates, backprobe terminal 4.
15. If lamp does not illuminate, repair open between terminal Nos. 1 and 4 in wiring harness.
16. If lamp illuminates, check armature, circuit breaker, circuit breaker ground and brushes.
Intermittent Wiper Operation In Pulse, LO or HI Modes
1. Remove wiper fuse and connect 0-30 amp ammeter between fuse block terminals, set wiper to LO and note lowest current draw while wiper is running on dry glass. (Current draw will fluctuate).
2. If current draw is less than 3.5 amps, proceed as follows:
a. Check motor grounds.
b. Check brush plate assembly for restricted brush to commutator contact.
c. Check circuit breaker for intermittent open.
d. Check armature for open circuit.
3. If current draw exceeds 6.5 amps, replace wiper blade elements and repeat test.
4. If current draw still exceeds 6.5 amps, disconnect wiper linkage from wiper motor crank arm and repeat test.
5. If current draw is now less than 6.5 amps, repair or replace wiper transmission linkage as necessary.
6. If current draw still exceeds 6.5 amps, replace wiper motor.
Wiper Will Not Park
1. Turn ignition switch on and wiper switch off, connect test lamp lead to ground at wiper motor case and backprobe terminal 2.
2. If lamp illuminates, disconnect 4 terminal connector and probe terminal 2. If lamp remains on, perform wiper switch continuity check. If lamp goes off, replace cover.
3. If lamp does not illuminate, remove wiper cover and reconnect motor without cover, then switch motor from LO to OFF and note whether park switch latch arm is in position to catch drive pawl.
4. If latch arm is not in proper position, replace park switch.
5. If latch arm is in proper position, check if drive pawl is bent.
6. If drive pawl is bent, replace it.
7. If drive pawl is not bent, check shaft endplay. If drive pawl overrides latch, replace shaft assembly.
No Delay Or Continuous In Delay (Wipers Okay In Low Or High Speed)
1. Connect voltmeter between terminal 6 and ground at motor case and vary delay from minimum time to maximum time. Voltage should vary from maximum to minimum.
2. If voltage does not vary, perform wiper switch continuity check.
3. If voltage varies, turn ignition switch on and set wiper switch to minimum delay, then connect test lamp lead to ground at motor case and backprobe terminal 2.
4. If lamp does not illuminate, perform wiper switch continuity check.
5. If lamp illuminates, backprobe terminal No. 1.
6. If lamp illuminates, replace cover.
7. If lamp does not illuminate, remove cover and check whether park switch pulse terminals are touching pads on circuit board. It they are, replace cover. Otherwise, replace spring contacts.
No LO Mode
1. Set wiper switch to LO, connect test lamp lead to ground at motor case and backprobe terminal 2.
2. If lamp does not illuminate, repair open from wiper switch to motor.
3. If lamp illuminates, backprobe terminal 1.
4. If lamp does not illuminate, replace park switch.
5. If lamp illuminates, backprobe terminal No. 4.
6. If lamp does not illuminate, repair open between terminal Nos. 1 and 4 in wiring harness.
7. If lamp illuminates, check armature, circuit breaker, circuit breaker ground and brushes.
Blades Cycle In & Out Of Park Position When Wiper Is Off
1. Check whether motor operates in LO.
2. If not, refer to (No LO Mode.)
3. If motor operates in LO, replace park switch.
Fig. 11 Permanent Magnet Depressed Park Type Wiper Motor w/Integral Washer Pump:
Fig. 12 Permanent Magnet Depressed Park Type Wiper Motor w/Integral Washer Pump:
Fig. 22 Wiper Switch Continuity Chart. Models W/permanent Magnet, Depressed Park Type Motor & Integral Washer Pump:
Fig. 23 Wiper Switch Continuity Chart. Models W/permanent Magnet, Depressed Park Type Motor & Integral Washer Pump:
Wiper Switch Continuity Test
1. Disconnect electrical connectors from wiper motor, Figs. 11 and 12.
2. Check switch continuity using suitable voltmeter or continuity tester. Continuity should exist at various switch positions between terminals shown in Figs. 22 and 23 and ground.
Wiper Motor Inoperative
1. Turn ignition switch on and wiper off, then connect test light lead to ground on vehicle and probe harness terminal No. 3.
2. If light illuminates, proceed as follows:
a. Connect test light lead to ground at wiper motor case and probe harness terminal No. 3.
b. If light does not illuminate, check both motor ground connections.
c. If light illuminates, place wiper switch in LO position, connect test light lead to ground at wiper motor case and probe harness terminal No. 2.
d. If light does not illuminate, locate and repair open from wiper switch to motor.
e. If light illuminates, check continuity between terminal Nos. 1 and 8.
f. If there is no continuity, locate and repair open between terminal Nos. 1 and 8 in wiring harness.
g. If there is continuity, check armature, circuit breaker, circuit breaker ground and brushes.
3. If light does not illuminate, proceed as follows:
a. Check fuse.
b. If fuse is not blown, locate and repair open in circuit from fuse block to wiper motor.
c. If fuse is blown, replace it.
d. If fuse blows again, unplug motor and replace fuse.
e. If fuse blows again, check for grounded condition in wire to terminal No. 3.
f. If fuse does not blow, check for high amperage at motor. Lowest current draw on dry glass should not exceed 6.5 amps.
g. Move switch to LO position. If fuse does not blow, repeat step f.
h. If fuse blows, check resistance from terminal No. 2 to ground.
i. If resistance is not 20-25 ohms, replace park switch.
Intermittent Wiper Operation In Pulse, LO Or HI Modes
1. Remove wiper fuse and connect a 0-30 amp ammeter across fuse block terminals, then operate wiper in LO and observe lowest current draw while wiper is running on dry glass. (Current draw will fluctuate).
2. If lowest current draw is less than 3.5 amps, proceed as follows:
a. Check motor grounds.
b. Check brush plate assembly for restricted brush to commutator contact.
c. Check circuit breaker for intermittent open.
d. Check armature for open circuit.
3. If lowest current draw exceeds 6.5 amps, replace wiper blade elements and repeat test.
4. If lowest current draw still exceeds 6.5 amps, disconnect wiper linkage from wiper motor crank arm and repeat test.
5. If lowest current draw is now less than 6.5 amps, replace or repair wiper transmission (linkage) as necessary.
6. If lowest current draw still exceeds 6.5 amps, replace wiper motor.
Wiper Will Not Park
1. Turn ignition on and wiper off and probe harness terminal No. 2.
2. If light illuminates, refer to wiper switch continuity test.
3. If light does not illuminate, remove wiper cover, reconnect motor without cover, switch motor from LO to OFF and check whether park switch latch arm is in position to catch drive pawl.
4. If arm is not in proper position, replace park switch or, on pulse models, the cover assembly.
5. If arm is in proper position, check whether drive pawl is bent.
6. If drive pawl is bent, replace it. Otherwise, check shaft endplay. If drive pawl overrides latch, replace shaft assembly.
No Delay Or Continuous In Delay (Motor Operates In LO & HI)
1. With voltmeter connected to terminal No. 6 and grounded at motor case, vary delay mode from minimum delay time to maximum delay time. Voltage should vary from maximum to minimum.
2. If voltage does not vary, refer to wiper switch continuity test.
3. If voltage varies, turn ignition switch on and set wiper switch on minimum delay, then connect test light lead to ground at wiper motor case and probe harness terminal No. 2.
4. If light does not illuminate, refer to wiper switch continuity test.
5. If light illuminates, remove cover and check whether park switch pulse terminals are touching pads on circuit board. If so, replace cover. Otherwise, replace spring contacts.
No LO Mode
1. With wiper switch on LO, connect test light lead to ground at wiper motor case and probe harness terminal No. 2.
2. If light does not illuminate, locate and repair open from wiper switch to motor.
3. If light illuminates, probe harness terminal No. 3.
4. If light does not illuminate, locate and repair open circuit from switch to motor.
5. If light illuminates, reconnect harness plug to cover and probe harness terminal No. 8.
6. If light illuminates, check armature, circuit breaker, circuit breaker ground and brushes.
7. If light does not illuminate, locate and repair open between terminal Nos. 1 and 8 in wiring harness.
8. If there is continuity between terminal Nos. 1 and 8, check continuity between terminal Nos. 1 and 3 of park switch.
9. If there is no continuity between terminal Nos. 1 and 3, replace park switch.
No HI Mode Or Blades Cycle In & Out Of Park With Switch In HI
1. With dash switch on HI, connect test light lead to ground and probe harness terminal No. 9.
2. If light does not illuminate, locate and repair open in circuit from wiper switch to motor.
3. If light illuminates, check continuity between terminal Nos. 2 and 3.
4. If there is no continuity, refer to wiper switch continuity test.
5. If there is continuity, check for continuity between terminal Nos. 1 and 8.
6. If there is no continuity, locate and repair open between terminal Nos. 1 and 8 in wiring harness.
7. If there is continuity, check armature, circuit breaker, circuit breaker ground and brushes.
Blades Cycle In & Out Of Park Position When Wiper Is Off
1. Check whether motor operates in LO.
2. If not, refer to No LO Mode.
3. If motor operates in LO, replace park switch. Problem may also be caused by bent drive pawl or excessive output shaft endplay.
Fig. 12 Permanent Magnet Depressed Park Type Wiper Motor w/Integral Washer Pump:
Fig. 13 Permanent Magnet Depressed Park Type Wiper Motor w/Remote Washer Pump:
Fig. 14 Permanent Magnet Depressed Park Type Wiper Motor w/Remote Washer Pump:
Fig. 24 Wiper Switch Continuity Chart. Models W/permanent Magnet, Depressed Park Type Motor & Remote Washer Pump:
Wiper Switch Continuity Test
1. Disconnect electrical connectors from wiper motor, Figs. 12 through 14.
2. Check switch continuity using suitable voltmeter or continuity tester. Continuity should exist at various switch positions between terminals shown in Fig. 24 and ground.