Code E
Those exceptional cases where a repair requires Other Labor Hours (OLH) considered as part of the repair procedure. All "published" add times, such as sublet allowance, add times, diagnosis times, mix times, etc. are submitted as regular labor hours and do not require authorization.Instances when OLH may be required include:
^ Unusual repair procedure not covered in the GM Service Manual and Labor Time Guide (LTG). Such may be the case where a bolt was broken and extra time was required to drill it out.
^ Diagnosis time not published.
^ Labor times to complete electrical connector/wire repairs in excess of published "ST" 0.5 hour limit.
^ Labor times to address any additional damage caused by the primary failed component. Total not to exceed established labor time if applicable.
^ Variable strip time for involved panel refinishing. Not to exceed "calculated" limit.
Instances when OLH is NOT the responsibility of General Motors:
^ Inadequate technician training.
^ Lack of and/or improper tools and equipment.
^ Improper repair procedures.
^ Unnecessary and/or excessive repairs.
^ Improper shop supervision.
If unusual circumstances are encountered which would require straight time:
^ The technician is to contact service management for approval PRIOR to the work being performed.
^ Service management approval is required for the technician to proceed on a straight time basis.
^ Service management must sign the "on time" and record the reason for the repair. Separate on/off time recording is required for each straight time operation.
^ Service management must justify the reasonableness of the straight time request.
^ Technician inefficiency or lack of training is not sufficient justification for straight time.