Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Pass-Key II


The most likely causes of PASS-Key system intermittent no start, no crank conditions are either an incorrect resistance measurement or an intermittent relay.

Based upon the suspected cause, perform the following procedures to diagnose and service intermittent conditions.


Several quick visual checks can save you time during diagnosis.

1. Inspect the key. If the coded resistor is dirty or missing, the engine will not start.
2. Look inside the lock cylinder. Dirty or damaged pellet contacts can also disable starting.
3. Check the appropriate fuses.
4. Verify all system power and ground connections.


If an incorrect resistance measurement at the key contacts is suspected, check to see if:
1. Does it happen with only one key and not the others. If so, replace the faulty key.
2. Is the condition present with all the keys. If so, the lock cylinder is dirty or defective or there is a fault in the key resistance circuit wiring, connection, or contacts.

Special Passkey Ignition Key - With Specific Resistance Coded Pellet:

Key Resistance Chart:

To check the key resistance circuit with an ohmmeter, perform the following procedure:
1. Measure the resistance across the key contacts while the key is removed from the vehicle. Measure across both side of the key at the key pellet.
2. Disconnect the PASS-Key decoder module, insert key into the ignition, and measure the resistance across lock cylinder circuit terminals of the decoder module harness connector (terminals A6 and B2). Be sure to manipulate the harness while performing the test.
^ Resistance should be within 10 ohms of the resistance measured on the key when it was removed from the vehicle.
^ If resistance is NOT within 10 ohms, determine if the cause for the difference is the wiring, connections, dirty key/lock cylinder contacts, or a defective lock cylinder.
3. While rotating the key through all positions in the lock cylinder, monitor the resistance change across terminals of the circuit for the key pellet of the decoder module harness.
^ A change greater than 10 ohms indicates a problem with the lock cylinder or key contacts.


To isolate the relay as the cause of the intermittent condition, check the following:
^ Does the security indicator come "ON" for 2 seconds and then go off. If so, the relay is the most likely cause of the intermittent. Check the connections at the relay and check for an open at the relay contact when the relay is energized (points closed).
^ When the vehicle will not crank, does the security indicator remain "ON" for longer than the bulb check procedure. If the indicator remains "ON", the relay is not the cause of the intermittent.


To check for loose wiring connections that could be causing an intermittent condition, start the engine and move the related wiring harnesses around.
^ If a problem is detected in the fuel enable circuit, this will set a PASS-Key fault code in the ECM/PCM.
^ Check for PASS-Key fault codes in the ECM/PCM.
^ Check power and ground to the module.


^ Inspect the PASS-Key decoder module harness connector for tightness, corrosion, or other damage.
^ Inspect for bent pins.
^ Check the starter relay connector for proper lock mechanism operation and secure connections.
^ Lightly tap the decoder module to determine if the module is present.