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Antilock Brakes / Traction Control Systems

Hydraulic Modulator Bleeder Valves 80 Inch Pound-Force (in.lb)
Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) Hex Head Screws 18 Inch Pound-Force (in.lb)
Hydraulic Modulator Solenoid Torx Head Bolt 44 Inch Pound-Force (in.lb)
Front Wheel Speed Sensor Bolt 107 Inch Pound-Force (in.lb)
Bolts and Nuts Rear Wheel Bearing and Speed Sensor Assembly 37 Foot Pound-Force (ft.lb)
Vacuum Booster Retaining Nuts 20 Foot Pound-Force (ft.lb)
Four Brake Pipe Tube Nuts 18 Foot Pound-Force (ft.lb)
Torx Head Screws Attaching Gear Cover 36 Inch Pound-Force (in.lb)
Four Torx Head Screws Attaching Motor Pack 44 Inch Pound-Force (in.lb)
Two Thru Bolts Attaching Hydraulic Modulator to Master Cylinder 18 Foot Pound-Force (ft.lb)