Fuel Tank Purging
PROCEDURE:1. Remove the fuel tank and fuel level sending unit assembly from the tank and drain all of the remaining fuel from the tank, refer to COMPONENT REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR PROCEDURES/FUEL TANK REMOVAL AND FUEL LEVEL SENDING UNIT.
2. Visually inspect the interior of the tank. If any fuel is evident, drain again.
3. Move the tank to a flushing area.
4. Fill the tank completely with tap water, agitate vigorously and drain.
5. Add a fuel emulsifying agent to the tank, refill with water, agitate the mixture for 10 minutes, and drain the tank completely.
NOTE: For the correct fuel emulsifying agent to water mixture, refer to the manufacturers specifications. Use an available emulsifying agent, such as "Product-Sol No. 913" or equivalent.
6. When empty, refill the tank until it is overflowing with water. Completely flush out the remaining mixture and empty the tank.
- If available, an explosion meter should be used to check for a negative reading.
7. Perform the required service work.