Caliper Installation
Fig. 1 Exploded View Of Delco-Moraine 7735 Series Rear Caliper:
1. Push sleeves inward, away from inboard brake shoe.
2. Reconnect brake hose bracket to suspension, then position caliper over rotor and onto mounting bracket.
3. Install mounting bolts and tighten to specifications.
4. Reinstall bracket (5) and bolt (4), Fig. 1, tighten bolt to specifications, then reconnect brake line to caliper using new copper washers.
5. Remove retaining nut, parking brake lever and lever seal, then clean area around seal and actuator screw.
6. Lubricate, then install lever seal. Ensure seal is fully seated against caliper.
7. Install parking brake lever onto actuator screw hex, ensuring lever faces downward, then install retaining nut.
8. While holding lever against stop on caliper, torque retaining nut to 35 ft. lbs.
9. Install lever return spring, then reconnect parking brake cable.
10. Install wheels and lower vehicle, then fill master cylinder and bleed brakes as needed. Before moving vehicle, pump brake pedal several times to be sure it is firm. Do not move vehicle until a firm pedal is obtained.
11. After installation is completed, adjust parking brake as follows:
a. Depress brake pedal several times to seat linings.
b. Fully apply and release parking brake approximately three times. Each full application may require two full pedal strokes.
c. Raise and support vehicle, then remove rear wheels. Reinstall two wheel nuts to retain rotor.
d. Turn ignition switch on, and observe brake warning light. Light should be Off. If light remains on, operate manual brake release and pull downward on front parking brake cable to remove slack from pedal assembly.
e. Check that parking brake levers on both calipers are against caliper stops. If not, check for binding at rear cables. If cables are not binding proceed to next step.
f. Loosen adjustment at equalizer until both parking brake levers are against caliper stops.
g. Tighten cable at equalizer until either parking brake lever moves off caliper stop, then loosen cable until lever just contacts stop. With cable properly adjusted, a firm pedal should be obtained by pumping parking brake two full strokes. Rear wheels should be fully locked.
h. After adjustment is completed, install wheels and lower vehicle.