Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Compressors do not need to be replaced as part of a normal retrofit, unless indicated in the Compressor Replacement Chart. An R-12 compressor that is operating properly can, in most cases, be left in the vehicle when it is retrofitted to R134a. However, if a compressor failure is the reason the vehicle is in for service, and the vehicle will be retrofitted, OR if a vehicle has already been retrofitted with R-134a and the compressor fails at some time in the future, new compressors for use with R-134a are available. See the GMSPO Parts Catalog for specific part numbers. DO NOT use a replacement R-12 compressor for any vehicle retrofitted to R-134a (unless it is the new "oil-less" design). See "Compressor Availability" at the end of the Compressor Replacement Chart.