Transaxle Side Case Cover Replace
1. Remove valve body cover and gasket, refer to "Valve Body, Replace."2. Loosen lefthand side drive axle nut one turn.
3. Remove left side brake caliper and rotor.
4. Remove drive axle shaft nut and washer.
5. Loosen hub/bearing to knuckle attaching bolts
6. Using front hub spindle remover tool No. J 28733-A or equivalent, push axle splines back out of hub bearing.
7. Remove hub/bearing to knuckle attaching bolts. Protect axle seals from damage during handling.
8. Remove ABS sensor mounting bolt and position aside to prevent damage.
9. Remove hub/bearing assembly.
10. Using axle shaft remover tool No. J 33008 and slide hammer tool No. J 2619-01 or equivalents, remove left side axle shaft from transaxle.
11. Disconnect TCC wires from case connector.
12. Remove auxiliary valve body and control valve assembly. Do not lose check balls.
13. Remove oil pump drive shaft.
14. Remove shifter bracket bolts and position bracket aside.
15. Remove manual valve linkage, spacer plate and gaskets.
16. Remove side case cover attaching bolts and manual valve.
17. Check drive link as follows:
a. Midway between sprockets, and at right angles to drive link, push bottom strand of the drive link until all slack is removed and mark case with a pencil on bottom side of drive link.
b. Push bottom strand up in the same manner and put a second mark on the case, ensure both marks are made at the same point on the chain.
c. Measure distance between two marks.
d. If distance exceeds 7/8 inch, replace drive link.
18. Reverse procedure to install new drive axle nut and torque to 184 ft. lbs.