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DTC 76

DTC 76 Left Front Solenoid Circuit Open Or Shorted To Battery:

DTC 76 Left Front Solenoid Circuit Open Or Shorted To Battery:

This DTC identifies a solenoid that cannot be energized due to an open in its circuitry, or a solenoid that is always energized due to a short to battery in its circuitry between the driver and the solenoid. An open will not allow proper Antilock Braking System (ABS) operation, but the short to battery simply turns "ON" the solenoid. A path for base brakes is still allowed once the motor re-homes and the check valve is lifted off its seat during key on initialization.

DTC A076 can be set only when the solenoid is commanded "OFF." If the Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) detects an excessive voltage in the left front solenoid control circuit, a malfunction exists.

A malfunction DTC is stored, ABS is disabled and the ABS indicator lamp is turned "ON."

Number(s) below refer to circled number(s) on the diagnostic chart.
1. This checks for a short to voltage in the control circuitry of the solenoid.
2. This checks for an open in the control circuit of the solenoid.
3. This step identifies an open in the solenoid or ground circuit.
4. This step checks for a possible intermittent malfunction in the solenoid circuitry due to poor terminal contact.

An "Intermittent" malfunction may be caused by a poor connection, rubbed through wire insulation, or a wire that is broken inside the insulation.

The frequency of the malfunction can be checked by using the enhanced diagnostic function of the Tech 1.

Any circuitry, that is suspected as causing the intermittent complaint, should be thoroughly checked for backed out terminals, improper mating, broken locks, improperly formed or damaged terminals, poor terminal to wiring connections or physical damage to the wiring harness.